Institute of Cellular Neurosciences I
At the Institute of Cellular Neurosciences I, we study how brain cells such as neurons and astrocytes jointly determine how the brain processes information and controls complex behaviors. We are part of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn and the University Hospital Bonn (UKB).

Synaptic and glial plasticity lab (Prof. Dr. Christian Henneberger)
Synaptic transmission and its plasticity do not occur in an environment that contains neurons, glial cells, and an extracellular matrix. Our research primarily focuses on how such interactions of neurons and an abundant subtype of glia (astrocytes) determine hippocampal network function and dysfunction in disease.

Astrocytes and Epileptogenisis (Prof. Dr. Christian Steinhäuser)
The research focus of the Astrocytes and Epileptogenisis lab concerns the study of glial cells and their role in information processing in the healthy and diseased brain. Electrophysiological, molecular, and imaging investigation methods are combined to decipher the mechanisms of these previously largely misunderstood forms of neuron-glia interactions and better understand glial cells' functional heterogeneity.
The Institute of Celluar Neurosciences is strongly involved in international Master's and graduate programs and the European University NeurotechEU.

Master's program in Neurosciences
The Master of Science in Neurosciences at the University of Bonn is a two-year research-oriented, international study program. The curriculum is taught entirely in English and divided into modules, combining courses, lectures, seminars, and laboratory work.

Bonn International Graduate School of Neuroscience
BIGS Neuroscience is committed to providing a top-level, internationally competitive program in the rapidly developing field of neuroscience. The school focuses on dissecting the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying complex behavior, and applying these insights to better understand central nervous system disorders.

NeurotechEU: the European University of Brain and Technology
NeurotechEU is an alliance of nine leading European universities and over 250 partners from industry, academia, and civil society that have set themselves the mission of building an innovative, trans-European network of excellence for brain research and technologies.
The Institute of Cellular Neurosciences is a member of the Bonn Center for Neuroscience and the Bonner Forum Biomedizin.

Bonn Center for Neuroscience
At the BCN, more than 300 scientists share a passion for understanding the brain, the most complex and fascinating organ in mammals...

Bonner Forum Biomedizin
The BFB is a life science network connecting researchers in the Bonn community. We support young scientists by offering a communication platform.